


Occupational Certificate: Bricklayer
93627 Occupational Certificate: Bricklayer
DQP – Master Builders Association – KZN
QCTO – Quality Council for Trades and Occupations OQSF – Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework
Occupational Certificate Field 12 – Physical Planning and Construction Building Construction
Undefined 361 Not Applicable NQF Level 04 Regular-ELOAC
Passed the End Date –
Status was “Reregistered”
SAQA 06120/18 2018-07-01 2023-06-30
2024-06-30 2027-06-30


In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise. 
This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification.


The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a bricklayer.

Bricklayers lay bricks, natural and pre-cut stone and other types of building blocks in mortar and other bonding agents to construct, repair and/or make alterations to walls, piers, arches and other structures.

A qualified learner will be able to:

  • Plan and prepare site, material, tools and equipment for the laying of bricks.
  • Lay bricks (face and plaster), stone (natural and pre-cut) and block, to construct, repair and/or make alterations to substructures and superstructures.
  • Conduct bricklaying finishing operations.Rationale:
    The Construction industries required a training system for the construction of energy efficient buildings. The overall objective was that building regulations, technical standards and capacity are in place to promote energy efficiency in buildings. This new occupational qualification includes all the relevant aspects required to comply with the new energy efficient legislation.

    The range of typical learners that will enter this qualification are people who would like to gain access to employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in Bricklaying.

    This qualification resides as one of several in the construction industry and makes allowance for any feeder occupations to gain access to the Bricklayer occupation. The Bricklayer qualification also makes provision for people to progress within this discipline to specialisation areas including paving, block work, substructures and superstructures.
    The main benefits of this qualification for the learner is that the learner has an opportunity to be recognised as a qualified artisan with well-structured, relevant and current competencies and able to either charge increased rates or have access to entrepreneurial opportunities within the construction environment.

    Society will be served by qualified bricklayers who not only undertake work with improved skills but are also undertaking this work with a full awareness of the importance of energy efficiency requirements.

    The economy requires efficient and effective bricklaying competencies for economic growth purposes as well as assists in the global move to a greener world by contributing towards building energy efficient buildings.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
RPL for access to the external integrated summative assessment:
Accredited providers and approved workplaces must apply the internal assessment criteria specified in the related curriculum document to establish and confirm prior learning. Accredited providers and workplaces must confirm prior learning by issuing a statement of result or certifying a work experience record.

RPL for access to the qualification:
Accredited providers and approved workplaces may recognise prior learning against the relevant access requirements.

Entry Requirements:

  • NQF Level 3.




This qualification is made up of the following compulsory Knowledge and Practical Skill Modules:

Knowledge Modules:

  • Health, Safety, Quality and Legislation, NQF Level 3, 10 Credits.
  • Environment, Energy Efficiency and Ethics NQF Level 4, 5 Credits.
  • Tools, Equipment, Materials and Workshop Practice, NQF Level 3, 20 Credits.
  • Drawings and Applied Sciences, NQF Level 4, 10 Credits.
  • Industry Contexts, NQF Level 3, 5 Credits.
  • Communication Theory, NQF Level 3, 5 Credits.
  • Bricklaying, Blockwork and Masonry Theory, NQF Level 4, 12 Credits.
  • Paving Theory, NQF Level 4, 10 Credits.
  • Transfer Levels, NQF Level 4, 8 Credits.Total number of credits for Knowledge Modules: 85.

    Practical Skill Modules:

  • Conduct preparatory activities, repair and/or alteration work to structures using bricks (face and plaster), stone (natural and pre-cut) and block including the building of substructures, NQF Level 3, 10 Credits.
  • Lay different types of bricks using mortar to build superstructures and decorative structures, NQF Level 3, 30 Credits.
  • Lay different types of stone and pre-cut stone using mortar to build superstructures and decorative structures, NQF Level 3, 30 Credits.
  • Lay different types of blocks using mortar to build superstructures and decorative structures, NQF Level 3, 30 Credits.
  • Lay paving and other structures, NQF Level 3, 10 Credits.
  • Conduct finishing operation, NQF Level 2, 8 Credits.
  • Undertake quality testing and assurance activities, NQF Level 3, 10 Credits.
  • Conduct housekeeping and waste removal activities, NQF Level 2, 8 Credits.Total number of credits for Practical Skill Modules: 136.

    This qualification also requires the following compulsory Work Experience Modules:

    Context 1: Superstructures:

  • Planning and preparation processes for bricklaying, work area, material, tools and equipment within the construction environment, NQF Level 4, 25 Credits.
  • Brick laying processes to construct, repair and/or make alterations to superstructures, NQF Level 4, 90 Credits.
  • Finishing operations and processes to construct or repair superstructures, NQF Level 4, 25 Credits.
    Total number of credits for Work Experience Modules: 140.
    Context 2: Substructures:
  • Planning and preparation processes for bricklaying, work area, material, tools and equipment within the construction environment, NQF Level 4, 25 Credits.
  • Brick laying processes to construct, repair and/or make alterations to substructures, NQF Level 4, 90 Credits.
  • Finishing operations and processes to construct or repair superstructures, NQF Level 4, 25 Credits.
    Total number of credits for Work Experience Modules: 140.
    Context 3: Paving and other structures:
  • Planning and preparation processes for bricklaying, work area, material, tools and equipment within the construction environment, NQF Level 4, 25 Credits.
  • Brick laying processes to construct, repair and/or make alterations to paving and other structures, NQF Level 4, 90 Credits.
  • Finishing operations and processes to construct or repair superstructures, NQF Level 4, 25 Credits.Total number of credits for Work Experience Modules: 140.


1. Plan and prepare site, material, tools and equipment for the laying of bricks.
2. Lay bricks (face and plaster), stone (natural and pre-cut) and block, to construct, repair and/or make alterations to substructures and superstructures.
3. Conduct bricklaying finishing operations.


Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • The worksite is prepared for laying of bricks (face and plaster) to construct, repair and/or make alterations to superstructures or substructures or paving and related structures in accordance with accepted hazard identification and risk assessment practices, relevant health and safety requirements and drawing specifications.
  • The worksite is prepared for stone cladding (natural and pre-cut) to construct, repair and/or make alterations to superstructures or substructures or paving and related structures in accordance with accepted hazard identification and risk assessment practices, relevant health and safety requirements and drawing specifications.
  • The worksite is prepared for laying of block to construct, repair and/or make alterations superstructures or substructures or paving and related structures in accordance with accepted hazard identification and risk assessment practices, relevant health and safety requirements and drawing specifications.
  • Knowledge and understanding of planning and preparing sites, material, tools and equipment for the laying of bricks are demonstrated.Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Superstructures are built in solid and cavity construction including the building in of door and window frames as well as precast and brick-on edge lintels and arches in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements and drawing specifications.
  • Ancillary walls are built including gable walls and beam filling in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements and drawing specifications.
  • Decorative structures are built – brick-on-edge, soldier course, garden walling in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements and drawing specifications.
  • Brick steps are built in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements and drawing specifications.
  • Soil is excavated and sub-grade and import sub-grade materials (if required), are levelled and compacted in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements and drawing specifications.
  • Edge restraints (kerbs) are installed, channels are laid and screed bedding sand are imported and laid to required levels.
  • Paving units are cut and laid to appropriate pattern.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of laying bricks (face and plaster), stone (natural and pre-cut) and block, to construct, repair and/or make alterations to substructures and superstructures.Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Correct drawings and specifications have been identified in order to finish operations.
  • The structure jointed, pointed or bagged in according to finishing specifications.
  • Correct range of tools for desired component finish have been identified in order to finish operations.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of conducting bricklaying finishing operations.Integrated Assessment:
    Integrated Formative Assessment:
    The skills development provider will use the curriculum to guide them on the stipulated internal assessment criteria and weighting. They will also apply the scope of practical skills and applied knowledge as stipulated by the internal assessment criteria. This formative assessment leads to entrance into the integrated external summative assessment.

    Integrated Summative Assessment:
    An external integrated summative assessment, conducted through the relevant QCTO Assessment Quality partner is required for the issuing of this qualification. The external integrated summative assessment will focus on the Exit Level Outcomes and Associated Assessment Criteria.

    The external assessment model requires that the external assessment will be conducted through a combination of a written assessment and practical task at an accredited trade test centre. The written examination will be concluded at an accredited trade test centre and marked by registered assessors. Practical tasks will also be assessed by registered assessors. The combination of the written and practical assessment will be conducted over a period of two working days.


This International Comparability study was undertaken to examine the Bricklayer occupation, including the level of qualification and related curriculum. The purpose is to provide baseline information towards benchmarking the curriculum under development for the South African Master Builders Association (MBA).

A preliminary literature review considered a total of 17 countries but, the majority were eliminated to remain with only five including South Africa. The reason is that many of the countries had scanty information and/or no recognised national trade/occupation qualification stipulating a set of national standards for most trades. Consequently, the countries included in the final comparability review were: Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Canada and South Africa. New Zealand and Australia were considered to be particularly the most appropriate countries with which to compare with South Africa.

The report is structured in two main parts. The first part provides an overall summary of the trade/occupation for each country. The second part presents a comparison of the trade/occupation across the five countries, highlighting the key similarities and differences. An attempt has been made to include the name of qualification, qualification levels, number of credits, and duration of training and nature of training/mode of delivery. An example of the related curriculum is available which suggests that overall; the South African curriculum is much more detailed than is found in the comparative countries.

Overall summaries for each country:

New Zealand:
New Zealand has nationally recognised trade qualifications ranging from NZQF levels 1 to 5 and trade/occupation under investigation are offered at certificate level from level 2 to level 5. There are various training providers that offer these courses and qualifications. There are three qualifications for Masonry/Bricklaying that learners can obtain at different levels. The following qualifications are available for bricklayers namely; Certificate in Pre-employment, Brick, Block and Paving (NZQF level 3), National Certificate in Bricklaying and Block Laying (NZQF level 4) and National Certificate in Masonry (NZQF level 4 – 5).

In terms of the modes of delivery, all the trades investigated are delivered primarily through some form of on-the-job training.

Australia has a similar trade qualification system to that of New Zealand. Technical and Further Education (TAFE) courses are offered by various institutions such as the Holmsglen institute. TAFE aims at equipping students with practical skills that are transferable to the workplace. Therefore, most courses offered under TAFE are based on national competency set of standards geared towards workplace training packages. Both vocational education and training institutions may offer vocational education and training for certificates I to IV certifications (i.e. 4 levels). The study review established the existence of the following training and qualifications; Bricklaying, Blocklaying and Stonemasonry: Certificates (III and IV) at AQF levels 3 and 4.

Like New Zealand, the primary mode of training delivery is through practical hands on work including apprenticeships and supplemented by Classroom instruction.

United Kingdom (UK):
The UK has a nationally recognised trades qualification framework from which both Zealand and Australia seem to have adapted theirs. The UK National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) is work-based awards that are achieved through assessment and training in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and in Scotland, they are referred to as SNVQ. NVQ’s are based on National occupation standards that describe the ‘competencies’ expected in any given job role. There are five levels of S/NVQ ranging from level 1 which focuses on basic work activities to level 5 for senior managers. The trades that were investigated in the review fell within the entry levels 2 and 3.

In the UK system, a qualification is described as an Award if the time it takes to complete it is 10 to 120 notional hours and a Certificate requires 130 – 360 notional hours. Notional hours includes all learning time i.e. classroom or workshops and hands-on experiences, reading and researching. Each credit represents 10 hours of notional learning. The following trades are available: Certificate in Trowel Occupations (Construction) Bricklaying (NVQ level 2), The primary delivery modes are through hands on practical work, on the job training and to some extent supplemented by classroom instruction. City and Guild is the UK’s leading awarding organisation for vocational qualification. However, training towards NVQ’s in the various trades is provided by various service providers such as Able Skills.

Canada does have nationally recognised trade qualifications and the present study utilised the Ontario Qualifications Framework (OQF). Certificate qualifications run from levels 1 to 5 on the qualification framework namely; Certificate I, Certificate II, Certificate of Apprenticeship, Certificate of Qualification and Certificate (III). The review found that Canada offers an Applied Certificate and also Certificate of Apprenticeship in Bricklaying (OQF levels 2 – 4). The qualifications are obtained primarily through on the job training/apprenticeships of up to 4 years.

Similarities and differences of Trade/Occupation:

The information below shows that all the countries under study offer certificates in construction masonry or bricklaying ranging from levels 2 in Canada and the UK to levels 5 in in New Zealand on each country’s respective qualification frameworks. No credits are indicated for Canada. Nonetheless, this is not unusual in the same way that there are qualifications and/or unit standards pegged at higher levels that accrue less credits than those at lower levels. The training duration which is the same for New Zealand and Australia (i.e. 87 days) is longer than the 50 days provided for in South Africa. In the UK Able skills provides a 7 week training program while Canada (S) indicates the longest training duration of 1500 hours as the apprenticeship can last up to four years. The training is primarily delivered through hands-on practicals and workshops.

Details pertaining to Construction Masonry/Bricklaying:

Country: Australia.
Qualification: Bricklaying, Block laying and Stonemasonry: Certificate (III and IV).
Qualification Level: AQF Level 3.
Credits: 210.
Training Duration: 87 days.
Nature of Training: Practical work or apprenticeship up to 4 years training.

Country: Canada.
Qualification: Bricklayer: Applied Certificates/certificate of apprenticeship.
Qualification Level: OQF levels 2 – 4.
Credits: N/A.
Training Duration: 40 – 6000 hours.
Nature of Training: Practical/apprenticeship and classroom instruction.

Country: New Zealand.
Qualification: National Certificate in Bricklaying and Block Laying, National Certificate in Masonry, Certificate in Pre-employment, Brick, Block and Paving.
Qualification Level: NZQF Level 4, NZQF Level 4-5, NZQF Level 3.
Credits: 210, 141-183, 121.
Training Duration: 87 days.
Nature of Training: Practical & classroom instruction.

Country: United Kingdom.
Qualification: Certificate in Trowel Occupations (Construction) – Bricklaying.
Qualification Level: NVQ level 2.
Credits: N/A.
Training Duration: 7 weeks.
Nature of Training: Practical & classroom instruction.

The comparability study highlights the current status of the availability of related information on the bricklayer/masonry, including the related curricula in five countries. The findings reveal that this qualification is in general comparable to what is found in the chosen compared countries. The comparison mainly extends to the qualification awarded, level of qualification, modes of delivery and to some extent the contents of the curricula. The content of this qualification was found to have more detail outlined in the curricula than that of the compared qualifications.


This qualification could articulate with qualifications to be developed within the building industry related to the following occupations:

  • Construction Foreman.
  • Carpenter.
  • Glazier.
  • Building Insulation Installer.
  • Bricklayer trainer.




As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2015.


Qualifying for external assessment:
In order to qualify for an external assessment, learners must provide proof of completion of all required modules by means of statements of results and work experience including Foundational Learning Competence or equivalent.

Additional legal or physical environment:

Criteria for the Accreditation of Providers:
Accreditation of providers will be done against the criteria as reflected in the relevant curriculum on the QCTO website.

The curriculum title and code is: Bricklayer: 641201000.

Trades Covered by this Qualification:
This qualification covers the following trades as recorded on the NLRD.

  • ID 60811, Bricklayer.
  • ID 60975, Bricklayer.
  • ID 60918, Bricklayer.
  • ID 60801, Bricklayer.
  • ID 60959, Bricklayer.
  • ID 60886, Bricklayer.
  • ID 60864, Bricklayer.
  • ID 60946, Bricklayer.
  • ID 60931, Bricklayer and Plasterer.
  • ID 60802, Bricklayer and Plasterer.
  • ID 60812, Bricklayer (Refractory).
  • ID 60960, Bricklayer and Plasterer.
  • ID 60925, Bricklayer and Plasterer.Part Qualifications:
    This qualification does not have any associated part qualifications.




If there are any further enquiries, feel free to contact via email or telephonically.

044 874 0018

What is a Trade Test?

The Trade Test is a test of your knowledge, skills and competence in occupations.

It involves theoretical and practical demonstration of knowledge and skill.

 A Trade Test Certificate is usually required by employers before they will employ

or advance you in your career and allow you to do work at a certain level.


There are two categories:

– Section 26 Test

– Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (ARPL)


Section 26 Trade Test

Section 26 Trade Test for registered learner-ship who:

  1. Have a learner-ship contract
  2. Attend formalized institutionalized training
  3. Must have a workplace that will provide the learner with onsite training
  4. Must have a coach with same qualifications

Where do you apply for Section 26 Test?

You can apply directly at Belcomec Training.


Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (ARPL) and Trade Test Requirements 

  1. Minimum three (3) years relevant work experience within South Africa and N2 certificate including Relevant Trade Theory or
  2. Minimum three (3) years relevant work experience within South Africa and Relevant Engineering NQF Level 3 Certificate or
  3. Minimum three (3) years relevant work experience within South Africa and Technical Grade 12 with Maths, Engineering Science and Related Theory Subject or
  4. Minimum Eighteen (18) months relevant work experience within South Africa with Relevant Engineering NCV Level 4 Certificate or
  5. Minimum Eighteen (18) months relevant work experience within South Africa and Relevant and Directly Related to the Trade Theory Subjects) N6 certificate or National Technical Diploma (S or N Stream) or
  6. Minimum four (4) years’ work experience within South Africa with Grade 9 (Standard 7) or
  7. Minimum three (3) years relevant work experience within South Africa and successful completion of an ARPL Toolkits Assessment
  8. Successful completion of the merSETA registered NQF Level 2, 3 and 4 Trade Related Learnerships with minimum two (2) years, inclusive of the institutional and workplace components.

Where do you apply for a ARPL Trade Test?

You can apply directly at Belcomec Training.

If there are any further enquiries, feel free to contact via email or telephonically.

044 874 0018


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